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Why Postpartum Care is Essential and Important

Welcome, everyone! At Moms Manager Vancouver, we celebrate your pregnancy and forthcoming birth. As a mother in your family, we are dedicated to helping you become a loving and healthy mother to your precious child.

Why postpartum care is crucial?

The Postpartum Period (Puerperium)

The postpartum period, or puerperium, lasting about 2-3 weeks immediately following childbirth, is a critical time for a mother's health recovery. It's advised that mothers undergo a recovery phase for at least 2-3 months to address the bodily changes induced by pregnancy and delivery. During this time, the cessation of pregnancy-related hormone production prompts the body to gradually return to its pre-pregnancy state, making the weakened body more susceptible to health issues without proper postpartum care. Managing stress and regaining physical strength are crucial during this period.

For those who have undergone cesarean sections, the importance of postpartum care is even more critical due to the potential for various complications and the need for wound care. Inadequate postpartum care can lead to postpartum depression, affecting not just the mother but the entire family's well-being.

Failing to adhere to a proper postpartum care routine can expose new mothers to various health conditions. Thus, it's advisable to undergo systematic and planned postpartum care to prevent potential women's health issues proactively.

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Moms Manager Vancouver

Puerperal Fever

Puerperal fever, also known as postpartum fever, is a high fever that can develop after childbirth due to an infection in the birth canal and uterus. While it can sometimes be related to conditions such as mastitis (inflammation of the breast tissue) or pyelonephritis (kidney infection), it is most commonly caused by an infection of the pelvic region or the reproductive organs. Persistent fever following childbirth is a serious symptom that requires immediate medical attention. Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist is essential for diagnosing the source of the infection and initiating the appropriate treatment, which often includes antibiotics to fight the infection and prevent further complications.


Pyelonephritis, a type of kidney infection, can occur postpartum as Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria from the bladder ascend through the ureters to the kidneys, leading to inflammation. Symptoms of pyelonephritis include chills, high fever, and pain in the flank area. If left untreated, pyelonephritis can progress to chronic kidney infection, which may have long-term health implications. Therefore, it's crucial to seek medical treatment early to prevent complications and ensure a swift recovery. Early intervention typically involves antibiotics to combat the infection, alongside measures to alleviate symptoms and support kidney function.

Retained Placenta

Retained placenta occurs when parts of the placenta or membranes remain in the uterus after childbirth. Normally, the placenta is expelled from the uterus within minutes to an hour after the baby is born. However, if any piece remains, it can lead to infections and bleeding because the uterus cannot contract properly to close blood vessels where the placenta was attached. This condition can cause significant complications for the mother, including hemorrhage and infection, and may prevent the uterus from returning to its pre-pregnancy state. Symptoms of a retained placenta may include continued bleeding more than expected after childbirth, severe cramping, or fever. If symptoms like lochia (postpartum vaginal discharge) persist beyond the typical recovery period or if there's significant bleeding after about 10 days post-delivery, it's crucial to seek medical attention. Treatment often involves the removal of the retained placental tissue, possibly through a procedure called a dilation and curettage (D&C) under appropriate anesthesia, to prevent further complications and promote healing.

In essence, postpartum care is not just beneficial but essential for ensuring the health and recovery of new mothers, aiding in their transition through the significant life event of childbirth.

Moms Manager is dedicated to providing the best care with the warmth and attentiveness of a mother's love for both the precious baby and the mother experiencing the challenges of childbirth.