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What a Postpartum Caregiver Does

Welcome, everyone! At Moms Manager Vancouver, we celebrate your pregnancy and forthcoming birth. As a mother in your family, we are dedicated to helping you become a loving and healthy mother to your precious child.

Tasks Performed by Postpartum Caregivers

Mother Care

Prevention of mastitis with breast massage
Breastfeeding coaching
Abdominal massage for lochia discharge
Leg swelling massage
Infrared perineal care
Sitz bath and foot bath management
Blood circulation and cold expulsion
Shoulder and abdominal heat pack
Postpartum exercises
Nutrition management for the mother
Daily health checklist for the mother

Newborn Care

Prevention of mastitis with breast massage for the mother
Newborn feeding management
Bathing and umbilical care
Newborn constipation management
Baby massage
Management of newborn's feeding times and sleep
Keeping a feeding log
Overnight care with the baby (for live-in caregivers)
Health checklist for the newborn

Care for Older Children
(Upon Additional Request)

Dropping off and picking up from kindergarten
Reading and playing together
Hygiene management (brushing teeth, hand washing)
Preparing snacks

Household and Family Care

Cleaning (mother's and newborn's rooms, kitchen, living room organization, and cleanliness)
Laundry (separating newborn's clothes from adults')
Preparing meals for the mother and husband

Tasks Not Performed by Postpartum Caregivers

Major house cleaning/laundry for bedding/cleaning curtains/carpet cleaning/hosting guests/cleaning the refrigerator/making kimchi, etc.
(Activities outside the usual scope of caring for the mother)